Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Forex related to sentiment and mood for research paper

Forex related to sentiment and mood for research paper

forex related to sentiment and mood for research paper

General sentiment analysis for the social web has become increasingly useful for shedding light on the role of emotion in online communication and offline events in both academic research and data journalism. Nevertheless, existing general‐purpose social web sentiment analysis algorithms may not be optimal for texts focussed around specific topics. This article introduces 2 new methods, mood sentiment from a popular real-time microblogging service, Twitter, where users post real time reactions to and opinions about “everything”. In this paper, we expound a hybrid approach using both corpus based and dictionary based methods to determine the semantic orientation of the opinion words in tweets paper. 2. BACKGROUND Sentiment analysis is a new field of research born in Natural Language Processing (NLP), aiming at detecting subjectivity in text and/or extracting and classifying opinions and sentiments. Sentiment analysis studies people’s sentiments, opinions, attitudes, evaluations, appraisals and

Sentiment Analysis - Market sentiment and how it affects the stock market

The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether sentiment and mood, which are distinct theoretical concepts, can also be forex related to sentiment and mood for research paper empirically. Using a sample of German small-cap stocks and linear techniques, the effect of sentiment and mood on short-term abnormal stock return following earnings announcements is tested separately. Mood tends to be a positive factor in predicting short-term abnormal stock return, as its biologically based impact uniformly affects the risk aversion of all market participants.

Notably, negative mood influences stock return significantly negatively. Sentiment is no factor, however, as its cognitively based impact affects only unsophisticated investors, namely, their cash-flow expectations.

As the sample is restricted to small-cap stocks from a single stock market and only two proxies of sentiment and mood, respectively, are used, the findings should be generalized with caution. Future research might investigate other markets and employ different proxies of sentiment and mood.

Market participants should be aware of the different effect of sentiment and mood on stock return and adjust investment strategies accordingly. As sophisticated investors are likely to profit from the irrational behavior of unsophisticated investors, who are prone to sentiment, the financial literacy of retail investors should be enhanced.

This paper is unique in distinguishing between sentiment and mood, both theoretically and empirically. Such distinction was largely ignored by related past research. Rapp, A. Copyright ©Albert Rapp. Published in Journal of Capital Markets Studies.

Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article for both commercial and non-commercial purposessubject to full attribution to the original publication and authors.

Concepts of behavioral finance tend to describe the judgment and decision making of investors in a more realistic way than normative neoclassical finance De Bondt et al. While limits to arbitrage Shleifer and Vishny, seem to prevent at least the entire correction of anomalous mispricing, sentiment and mood have been used as behavioral concepts to explain irrational deviations from intrinsic values. Sentiment is associated with investor decision making being affected by cognitive biases Baker and Wurgler, and mood is associated with investor decision making being affected by sustained emotional states Morris, Even though sentiment and mood are different concepts from a theoretical perspective, they tended to be mixed up in preceding research.

This study differentiates between sentiment and mood, demonstrating that sentiment and mood also have different empirical impact. Using a sample of German small-cap stocks and event study methodology, it is shown that mood is a positive factor in predicting the short-term cumulative abnormal stock return following earnings announcements.

In particular, negative mood significantly depresses stock return. By way of contrast, sentiment is not found to be a factor. The vast majority of preceding research suggested that sentiment reflects beliefs that are irrational, that is, inconsistent with the fundamentals e. Baker and Wurgler, ; Barberis et al. Sentiment appears to occur due to the cognitive biases of investors Baker and Wurgler, For example, while positive sentiment was found to develop following positive stock returns and negative sentiment to develop following negative stock returns Brown and Cliff,extrapolation bias De Bondt, and reliance on the representativeness heuristic Kahneman and Tversky, tend to play a role.

Besides being caused by cognitive biases, sentiment itself may cause biased investor behavior e. Brown and Cliff, As a result of the mutual relationship between cognitive biases and sentiment, prevailing positive or negative sentiment is likely to become amplified.

Past research suggested a variety of sentiment proxies. The sentiment proxies are either indirect and market-based or direct and non-market-based Brown and Cliff, The indirect market-based proxies incorporate market data, such as price or volume data e.

Baker and Wurgler,whereas the direct non-market-based proxies refer to expressed opinions e. Lemmon and Portniaguina, Sentiment proxies can refer to single stocks e. Joseph et al. Jame and Tong, or the entire stock market e. Massa et al. While sentiment proxies tend to either relate to retail investor sentiment Kumar and Lee, or institutional investor sentiment Black,the majority of the sentiment proxies capture the sentiment of retail investors.

Sentiment can have a substantial effect on the market prices of stocks. In the shorter term, the return of sentiment-prone stocks is positively related to sentiment. Particularly prone to sentiment are stocks that are difficult to arbitrage, including more speculative, more volatile and smaller-capitalization stocks, as well as the stocks of unprofitable, non-dividend-paying, young, growth or distressed companies Baker and Wurgler, In the longer term, however, the relationship between sentiment and the return of sentiment-prone stocks is likely to become negative Brown and Cliff, The mispricing created by unsophisticated investors in the shorter term is corrected in the longer term, which is consistent with mean reversion in stock prices Poterba and Summers, In contrast to sentiment-prone stocks, the stocks of dividend-paying mature companies, which tend to be less speculative, less volatile and larger in capitalization, are insensitive to changes in sentiment or might even be negatively related to sentiment in the short-term Baker and Wurgler, Mood is a psychological concept and refers to a mild but persistent emotional state that is usually unrelated to a specific trigger Morris, According to the mood-as-information hypothesis Schwarz and Clore,mood influences the perception of risks and benefits during judgment and decision making.

It appears that individuals in positive mood attach higher probabilities to the positive outcomes of unrelated events and lower probabilities to the negative outcomes of unrelated events whereas the opposite is true for individuals in negative mood Wright and Bower, While individuals in positive mood tend to disproportionately focus on positive information, individuals in negative mood tend to disproportionately focus on negative information Isen et al.

Individuals in negative mood also seem to critically analyze all available information whereas individuals in positive mood seem to rely on simplifying heuristics Schwarz, The more complex an issue, the more likely it is that prevailing mood influences judgment and decision making Clore et al. Past research suggested a variety of mood proxies. A few of the proxies are associated with irregular events that influence mood only when they occur, for example, major sports competitions Schwarz et al.

Forex related to sentiment and mood for research paper proxies tend to continuously influence mood, forex related to sentiment and mood for research paper, such as those associated with the weather e.

Cunningham, and certain biorhythm proxies e. Rosenthal et al. The psychological insights regarding mood have been applied to financial decision making. Individuals in positive mood appear to exhibit higher financial risk tolerance than individuals in negative mood Grable and Roszkowski, While several of the mood proxies have been tested specifically in a financial markets context, positive mood is related to positive short-term stock return and negative mood to negative short-term stock return e.

Dichev and Janes, ; Hirshleifer and Shumway, ; Kamstra et al. The return attributable to mood represents a deviation from fundamental value Lahav and Meer,with the effect of mood on stock return resulting from changes in the risk aversion of investors, rather than changes in expected future cash flows Harding and He, From a theoretical perspective, sentiment and mood can be distinguished clearly.

While sentiment is a concept of behavioral finance, mood is a concept that originates in psychology. The proxies of sentiment refer to economic variables, such as stock-market data, whereas the proxies of mood refer to non-economic variables, such as weather data, forex related to sentiment and mood for research paper. The direction of causation is one-sided for the mood proxies, which may affect stock return but cannot be affected by stock return. For example, forex related to sentiment and mood for research paper, it would not be plausible to suggest that the stock return on a given day explains the hours of sunshine on that day.

By way of contrast, the sentiment proxies may both affect stock return and be affected by stock return. For example, the opinions expressed in financial social media may not only explain stock return Chen et al. Furthermore, sentiment can be diametrically opposed for different stocks or different segments of the stock market Baker and Wurgler, Mood tends to have a more uniform impact, however, as it affects the general risk aversion of investors, that is, the market-wide discount rate rather than the expected cash flows of a particular stock Harding and He, While sentiment arises due to biased cognitive processes of investors Baker and Wurgler,mood arises due to biological processes Rosenthal et al.

It is therefore questionable whether suboptimal judgment and decision making caused by mood forex related to sentiment and mood for research paper be changed easily.

Suboptimal judgment and decision making caused by sentiment, however, appears to be attenuable through learning and experience Kahneman and Riepe, In spite of the substantial differences between sentiment and mood, most preceding research did not clearly differentiate between these two concepts. While some studies used the terms sentiment and mood interchangeably e.

Lux,others tended to label mood as sentiment. For example, Baker and Wurgler considered mood proxies like day length as proxies of sentiment.

Siganos et al. Finally, Antoniou et al. Forex related to sentiment and mood for research paper that background, this study closes a gap and differentiates between sentiment and mood. The effects of sentiment and mood on stock return are analyzed separately. It is hypothesized that sentiment and mood, forex related to sentiment and mood for research paper, which are conceptually different from each other, also influence stock return in different ways.

Mood is expected to affect both unsophisticated investors and sophisticated investors whereas sentiment is expected to affect only unsophisticated investors. Sophisticated investors are assumed to be immune to the sentiment-related cognitive biases unsophisticated investors are affected by Kahneman and Riepe, Sophisticated investors are also assumed to conduct arbitrage transactions that oppose the sentiment-based trades of unsophisticated investors.

As a result, the short-term positive relationship between sentiment and the return of sentiment-prone stocks suggested by past research Baker and Wurgler, is expected to weaken. The short-term positive relationship between mood and the return of mood-prone stocks Hirshleifer et al. While the return of small-cap stocks appears to be particularly susceptible to sentiment Baker and Wurgler, and mood Hirshleifer et al.

In related past research, German small-cap stocks tended to be neglected. The sample period ranges from January 1, to December 31, For examining the relationship between sentiment and short-term stock return as well as mood and short-term stock return, this study analyzes post-earnings announcement drift PEAD Ball and Brown, PEAD constitutes a lasting market anomaly Son et al.

This study argues that after the release of quarterly earnings, short-term stock return does not only depend on the earnings surprise, as suggested by past research Ball and Brown,but also on sentiment and mood.

Short-term cumulative abnormal stock return is expected to be forex related to sentiment and mood for research paper predicted not only by the abnormal stock return on the day of the earnings announcement, which is used as a proxy for the direction and size of the earnings surprise Swart and Hoffman,but also by the values of the sentiment and mood variables prevailing when earnings are announced.

However, only the mood variables are expected to be significant positive predictors. The daily abnormal stock returns are calculated by way of event study methodology including the market model with an estimation window of days MacKinlay,

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Sentiment Analysis- An Introduction | Forex Academy

forex related to sentiment and mood for research paper

Check out this awesome Example Of Research Paper On Mood Disorders for writing techniques and actionable ideas. Regardless of the topic, subject or complexity, we can help you write any paper! 13/05/ · Market sentiment is a qualitative measure of the attitude and mood of investors to financial markets in general, and specific sectors or assets in particular. Positive and negative sentiment drive price action, and also create trading and investment opportunities for paper. 2. BACKGROUND Sentiment analysis is a new field of research born in Natural Language Processing (NLP), aiming at detecting subjectivity in text and/or extracting and classifying opinions and sentiments. Sentiment analysis studies people’s sentiments, opinions, attitudes, evaluations, appraisals and

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